Monthly Archives: February 2021


FREE Spring 2021 courses

The WEA is the UK's largest voluntary sector provider of adult education in England and Scotland. They run courses throughout the year and during the pandemic these are being delivered virtually. The WEA in East Surrey run a series of courses in partnership with East Surrey College. New courses are frequently added and a full list of [...]

2021-02-16T13:33:17+00:0016 Feb, 2021|

NHS Child Health Advice Line

Although we are still in lockdown and many of the Child Health Drop-In Clinics have been suspended, the 0-19 Advice Line is still open everyday Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm.  If you have a child aged 0-19 years old and need advice on any child health related issues, including development, sleep, parenting, feeding, weaning...then [...]

2021-02-16T12:11:25+00:0016 Feb, 2021|
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