Monthly Archives: October 2021


A consultation on Surrey schools admissions

Please take a look at this new consultation on admission arrangements for Surrey community and voluntary schools for 2023! If you would like to have your say and give your opinion on the changes for the schools listed below, please go to the link below to complete a form or request a paper copy of [...]

2021-10-21T13:36:39+00:0021 Oct, 2021|

Our Autumn Timetable

    Our Autumn Timetable is up and running! Take a look what we have on offer here at the centre. Pre-booking is required for groups or courses. Places for groups and activities will always be given first to families who are being supported by the family centre or referred to us by another professional. [...]

2021-10-06T11:32:55+00:006 Oct, 2021|
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