Primary school places for children starting in September 2020 are announced on Thursday 16th April 2020.
If you applied for a place, you will be sent an email after 5pm, on 16th April, from Surrey County Council e-admissions. The email will explain which school your child has been offered for September 2020.
The Red Oak Family Centre is here to help with any questions you may have and help with the process. If you have any questions or need any advice, you can ring us on 01737 645908 or email
If you do not receive an email from Surrey County Council, you can log into the e-admissions website using the link on the Surrey County Council website and this will also show you the place your child has been offered.
If you applied for a primary school place by sending a paper application in the post, you will receive a letter in the post over the next few days.…/…/admissions